
Housing building – Rocca Priora

Client: Soc. Idea Oggi Srl

Year: 2004

Service: Preliminary design, final design, execution planning, supervision of works, security coordination

The work considers the realization of 13 residences of several dimensions, which form a building served by a central stair.

The panoramic and expositive qualities of the area suggested planning a building opened to the natural enlightenment and to the fruition of the landscape as much as possible. To the complexity of the eastern, northern and southern facades are contra posed the northern one closer than the others because of the exposure, the higher dispersion of heat and the quality of the landscape.

The roofing achieves a distinctive value, which makes the whole building strongly recognizable. It is a covering but also the fundamental element for the formal expression, with its overhangs it’s a defense against climatic elements, it’s a moving structure able to surprise, it’s homogeneous and formally similar to the characteristic spaces around it, but also a modern element with its gables placed at different quota.

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